Your Mission:
Get your father’s luchadores mask back from Don Aguilar
Avoid recapture back into the gladiator ring, aka “The Red Ring”
Things Affecting Everyone In Xen’Drik:
Something unknown has given the evil forces in Xen’drik energy to their cause. No one can quite place what’s going on, but it seems to be affecting the animals & vegetation…
Where Am I From & Where Am I Now?
You’re currently in the continent Xen’drik & the year is 1000
El Fenix is from the continent Khorvaire, the country Breland which is home to the new central government of Khorvaire created after the Last War
Due to the general fecklessness of the government, Breland is home to some of Khorvaire’s most powerful criminal underground
Breland is notorious for the base of The Lord of Blades
The Lord of Blades is a powerful multi-sword wielding warforged whose cause is a free nation for warforged & has amassed an army of bitter warforged, but now seems to mostly be in it for himself
Notable for being the only warforged with purple gems for eyes
After Don Aguilar took your father’s luchadores mask, you heard a rumor that Don used it to commit crimes & had help from the Lord of Blades escaping imprisonment
Through connections, you made contact with the Lord of Blades, who told you Don escaped to Xen’drik
You snuck your way to Xen’drik on a boat with imprisoned creatures to be sold through slavery from Sharn to the major city of Stormreach in Xen’drik, for gladiator fighting
You haven’t had any word about Don Aguilar since landing in Xen’drik
Gladiator Fighting
“The Red Ring” in Stormreach
In attempting to find Don Aguilar, you befriended gladiators of “The Red Ring”, a colosseum fighting ring where gladiators are pitted against fantastical beasts
The Red Ring is very lucrative but heavy risk of death, so you started underground luchadores fighting which is beginning to attract audience due to the WWE-like story-lines
You left someone in charge of luchadores fighting in Stormreach, think of who that character might be & how loyal to you they would be?
The wealthy behind “The Red Ring” see you as a enemy working against them
A firbolg tribe of fisher-folk snuck you out from “The Red Ring”
Why did the firbolgs help you?
As a way to make $ & also explore Xen’drik for Don Aguilar, you’re spreading luchadore fighting across the major cities
Who Do I Know?
The slowly-growing popularity of luchadore-fighting has made you popular at small taverns in Stormreach & Zantashk
A clan of half-giants that live outside Stormreach love luchadore fighting
A tribe of firbolg fisher-folk that snuck you out from being a gladiator-slave in “The Red Ring”
Led by 3 brothers:
The Last War
The world is reeling from the aftermath of The Last War, a century-long war for power between all the countries of Khorvaire after the death of the beloved King of Khorvaire - King Galifar
The Last War ended after “The Day of Mourning” in year 996
The Mouring was a mysterious event that completely destroyed the former Khorvaire country of Cyre
Conflicting eye-witness accounts as to what actually the Mourning was, but most either agree it was a powerful burst of white light energy or a momentary gush of deadly poisonous mist, that originated from space
Cyre is now known as “The Mournland”
Where economy & fields & hills used to be, “The Mournland” is now a flattened swamp
Former citizens of Cyre have been transformed into unique monsters with varying levels of sentience
Former treasures of Cyre still lie there, possibly strengthened by the after-effects of the Mourning
The Last War ended with “The Treaty of Thronehold”
Treaty stayed the war between all the clashing nations & clashing Dragonmarked Houses, mostly out of fear from The Mourning happening again
The Treaty also for the 1st time legitimized a nation for goblinoids (Darguun) (Khorvaire, before it was populated by humans, was originally home for wealthy goblinoid kingdoms), independence of the Warforged (a sentient race of robots originally created for the war, some of whom are bitter), & a nation for generally peaceful monsters (Drooam)
You’re in the world of Eberron
Eberron is a planet in the Material Plane, a safe zone, surrounded by 13 other orbiting planes of existence
The 13 rings/planes in space each have dangerous effects, like a plane where the world is covered entirely in fire, etc.
Occasionally, due to their revolutions around the Material Plane, the other planes come close into contact leading to odd effects
Generally it will be something like the ice plane comes close & makes cold areas even colder
The main continent is Khorvaire, generally populated by humans & is the most powerful continent
Centuries ago Khorvaire was ruled by goblinoid kingdoms
The most powerful are the Dragonmarked Houses
The world is reeling from the ongoing (?) Centuries War
You’re currently in the continent of Xen’drik
Xen’drik is a resource-rich but mysterious continent, shaped by the after-effects of dangerous magic used 40k yrs ago in a war between ancient Dragon Lords, that used to rule Eberron, vs. ancient Giants known for their technological & magical crafting skills
It is expensive to travel to Xen’drik, generally from Sharn to Stormreach
The “Thunder Sea” separating Xen’drik from Khorvaire is extremely volatile, so the best way to get there is by magically-enhanced-boats from House Lyandar
Most boats, from inexpensive to expensive, will hire a Sahaguin guide, fish people from Xen’drik who were generally hostile until the War made travel Xen’drik more common
Major cities:
Major port nearest to Khorvaire
Hub for most business
Dar Qat
Ruled by the Inspired, psychic lords from Sarlona
Hostile to foreigners
Pirate town generally ruled by monster races like orcs
Close to Zantashk there is a hostile mining city (Emil) inside a mountain
Not much is known about the city other than it is ruled by a line of Dwarven nobility, the Bronzeshield’s
The city’s ruler, Torr Bronzeshield, was very close to the now-dead King Galifar - former King of Khorvaire
After Galifar died Torr Bronzeshield took up residence in the mountain for a haven from The War
Used to be friendly but now their armies will attack strangers
The armies are, strangely, rumored to battle to the death against each other
Xen’drik is the best place to get dragonshards from, it falls from the sky here from the Siberys Interplanetary Ring way up in space
All the politically powerful rely on the resources exclusive to Xen’drik, mostly khyber & siberys dragonshards, but also ancient giant artifacts that grant powers
Dragonshards (listed by most-to-least rare)
The most expensive & mostly found in Xen’drik
Used to enhance dragonmarked powers
Can bind elements together into powerful artifacts
e.g. Lightning rail & flight use artificier khyber technology
Eberron Shards
Enhances magical items & can be used as a Material component for casting spells
The Travelers Curse
You can’t map Xen’drik (shift zones)
Most of the land, outside of the major cities, is susceptible to shifts that day-to-day change the entire environment (e.g a stretch of jungle changes to arctic tundra)
You can hire guides, best are half-giants or drow, to avoid shift zones